There are many different types of snacks that can lower your diabetes risk. In addition to a healthy diet, one way to lower your risk is by choosing the right snacks. Eating the wrong type of foods can lead to obesity and increase your risk of developing diabetes.

It’s important to keep in mind that there are many different types of snack options out there. You don’t have to make an unhealthy choice by grabbing a bag of chips whenever you are peckish! Here are some nutritious and delicious snacks that will lower your diabetes risk.

1. Beef Jerky

Healthy, filling, and flavorful, beef jerky makes a perfect snack to keep in your office drawer!

2. Almonds

Roasted almonds are absurdly delicious, while also containing an impressive catalogue of micronutrients like manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, and vitamin E.

3. Blue/Black Berries

These delectables contain less sugar than other fruits, along with heart and brain-loving polyphenols and antioxidants.

4. Smoked Fish

Smoked salmon and trout are rich in omega 3, 6, and 12. Canned herring, sardines, or anchovies may disturb the senses of your office colleagues, but they’re cheap, free from refrigeration requirements, and perfectly proportioned!


Doctors Can’t Explain Why Eating This May Cut Your Blood Sugar By 90%


5. Sunflower/Pumpkin Seeds

These nutrient dense little nuggets will leave you full long before you reach the bottom of the bag. It would be very hard to find a dietician today that would advise against the consumption of seeds, as they contain high amounts of flavonoids, a very beneficial nutrient.

6. Coconut

Chewy like beef jerky and satisfying too, dried, unsweetened coconut is a great cheap snack to zone out while eating. If you really have a taste for it, smash a brown coconut from the store at home prepare the meat to take with you to work!

7. Aged Cheese

Italian classics like Grana Padano, dry-aged firm cheese from Holland or cheddars aged over a year are especially delicious and palatable, while containing 0g of sugar. Try eating a quarter pound in one sitting, it’s hard to do!

8. Peanut/Almond Butter And Vegetables

Find some peanut butter without any sugar, and dunk away! Take advantage of the intense flavor to disguise the rather bland taste of otherwise super nutritious vegetables like zucchini or brussel sprouts.

9. Pine Nuts

Nutrient-dense and novel, pine nuts almost always come from Russia or Mongolia where locals harvest them from pine trees in the Great Taiga Forest.

10. Salami

Cured meats are great for many reasons. It’s very likely you will eat all of it before it goes bad, they come in a convenient and portable sleeve, they contain very little sugar, and they go great with some tomato, cheese, or olives!

11. Pickles

Whatever measly carbs contained in some nice artisan pickles are likely not enough to spike your blood sugar, and they’re soaked in electrolytes and herbs that will help you feel full.