Updated on: May 18, 2021

Shape Up In 8 Days For Your Best Friend’s Wedding

Is your best friend’s wedding just round the corner? Worry not. You can still fit in that lovely bridesmaid gown you fell in love with at the store. Just follow the 8-day workout regime and watch miracles happen to your body and fitness level.

Please consult a doctor before starting a workout session. Workout plans differ as per an individual’s age, health status, gender, and goal. If you haven’t exercised before, you must start slowly and with low intensity, doing only a few reps. Train under a certified fitness trainer for the right posture and correct moves to avoid injury.

Day 1: No-equipment workout

  • Start your day with a brisk walk of 30 minutes. You can also do a 20-minute run alternatively. This gets your system running.
  • Do push-ups 3 sets of 10 reps each. This works out your core muscles in particular and your body in general.
  • Hold the plank position for 2 minutes. Increase the time as your capacity increases.
  • End your workout session with a few stretching exercises.

Day 2: Cardio

  • Do any physical activity that you like, such as swimming, cycling, running, walking, and others. Do it continuously for 30 minutes.
  • Take your pushup to the next level by placing your legs on a higher plank or bench to increase the toughness of workout.
  • Do leg scissors 3 sets of 10 reps each. Lie flat on the back. Lift both legs up. Now cross them from inner thighs. Feel the stretch in the muscles of your lower ab.
  • Do leg raises. Lie flat on the back. Raise both legs up. Then lower them down slowly. Again, raise them up. Feel your ab muscles stretching. Both leg exercises tone lower abdomen muscles.

Day 3: Leg workouts

  • Begin with squats 3 sets of 15 reps each.
  • Then do lunges 3 sets of 15 reps each. They tone your quadriceps in thighs, glutes, and hamstrings.
  • Do donkey kicks 3 sets of 15 reps each. Come down on all fours. Let your hands be beneath your shoulders. Your knees should be beneath your hips. Now extend your leg back to make it parallel to the floor (do not touch the floor; your leg should be raised). Bring back to the previous position. Do this with the other leg. Lift the leg as if you are kicking. This tones muscles of lower body and glutes.

Day 4: Planks

By this time, your stamina should have increased. It is time to work out core muscles, to build their stability and strength.

  • Start with elbow planks.
  • Then do forearm planks. Do both 15-20 reps each.
  • Now do side planks. Lie on mat. Position your body on one side. Your shoulder and elbow should be in a line. Lift your body, keeping your feet grounded. They should be one over the other. Hold this position for 30 seconds. This works out your sides oblique and combats those love handles.

Day 5: Belly fat workout

  • Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees at 90 degree angle. Now crunch up, trying to bring your head closer to knees. Do this 3 sets of 15 reps each.
  • Now, do it in another way. Keep your legs straight up. Try to reach your toes with your hands and lifting your head up. Do this 3 sets of 15 reps each. This tones your ab muscles and burns fat from the area.

Day 6: Stretch

  • Stretch your body with some yoga poses (asanas) like the child’s pose (balasana), cobra pose (bhujangasana), and downward facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana). They relax whole body.
  • Raise your hands upwards straight. Now, bend down and try to touch the floor without bending your knees. Feel the stretch in your legs, hamstrings, lower back, and back.
  • Keep your hands on your hipbones. Slowly bend on left side. Now bend on right side. Then bend down in the front with your back, shoulders, and neck perpendicular to your hips and legs. Now, bend backwards in the same fashion. Return to the original standing position. In all the four cases, feel the stretch.

Day 7: Butt workout

  • Do glute bridges. Lie on your back. Bend your knees up. Keep your hands to your sides. Now, lift your butt off the mat. Let your pelvis and butt be in a straight line. Slowly bring your butt down. Do 10 reps. This tightens your butt muscles and gives you a great booty.
  • Do sit ups. Combine both workouts and do 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Day 8: Full body workout mix

It is time to give your whole body a workout mix – toning, strengthening, and shaping. Do planks, leg raises, squats, and others.

Now observe the following:

Do you feel fitter than before?

Do you feel more energetic than before?

Does your body feel lighter than before?

If yes, congratulations! It is time to shop for that lovely gown. You have certainly lost a few inches. Your body has burned the extra fat and your metabolism has increased, otherwise you wouldn’t feel better.

This is not the end. You must continue with the exercise even after the wedding for a shaper you. You may have lost only a few inches to fit in the gown; now you must lose more to achieve your ultimate goal of becoming slimmer. Don’t forget to chart out a diet plan with your trainer while you exercise.

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