9 Things You Should Never Do to Lose Weight

Losing weight can be so complicated and seemingly difficult at times that people tend to go off board in their efforts. Desperate needs require desperate measures; but this may not apply for weight loss.
With advices and suggestions floating around it gets confusing to know what is right and what is wrong.
Check whether you are doing it right.
1. Are you eating breakfast?

If not, you are making a grave mistake. Breakfast is the most important meal for your body. Whole night your body goes without food. It needs a hearty and nutritious meal in the morning to fuel it up for the day. This is all the more important, if you go for morning walks or jogs or perform weight loss exercises. You may think starving your body may work, but this will backfire. Your body needs energy and nutrition for healthy weight loss.
2. Do you eat small, frequent meals throughout the day?

If not, begin today. The trick is to keep your energy level stable while you lose pounds. Usually, weight loss may make you feel weak. You can avoid this by taking small 4-5 meals throughout the day. Make sure you eat healthy. Eat less, eat frequently. This regulates your blood glucose level, keeps hunger pangs in control, and increases your body’s metabolic activity, which helps to burn fat faster. Sluggish metabolism is one of the factors for weight gain.
One of the biggest mistakes people often make is skip meals. This is the worst way to lose weight. You also lose health with this. Moreover, it makes you so hungry that you eat like a horse in the next meal. At the end of the day, you are piling up more calories than losing them. Moreover, those who work out need food at regular intervals to keep their bodies ‘fueled up’ and to prevent break down of muscles.
3. Do you follow a proper eating and sleeping pattern?

If not, you may find it difficult to lose weight as desired. Erratic lifestyle is one of the factors that contribute to unnecessary weight gain. People with no fixed time for taking meals, hitting the bed at night, and waking up in the morning not only find their life becoming disorganized, but also find their body becoming unshapely and flabby. Such lifestyle hampers proper body functions. It adversely affects metabolism, heart health, digestion, and even mental health.
Your body has a biological clock that caters to a fixed time table for eating and sleeping…even workouts. If you manage to create a schedule for these important activities in life, you are on the road to health and beauty. This is the most important step to begin your weight loss program with. Weight loss? It can become child’s play!
4. Do you cheat often in your weight loss diet?

If yes, then you are spoiling your weight loss program. You can treat yourselves occasionally, but falling for food temptations every now and then won’t give you desired weight loss results.
Remember; successful weight loss needs discipline and determination. So, stop eating oily, fattening foods. Watch out for trans fats. Banish soft drinks, which are loaded with empty calories. Stop stocking your fridge with processed foods. This tempts you more. Fill your cabinets with nuts, oats, whole wheat bread, fresh fruits, healthy cooking oils like olive oil or rice bran oil, and other healthy foods.
5. Do you take alcohol?

If yes, then you need to stop doing this. If you can’t, at least reduce the amount of alcoholic drinks you take. Alcohol piles up calories and slows down your metabolism. Despite your regular workout routine, you may find nothing appreciable happening with regard to weight loss. Alcohol is the reason.
6. Have you stopped taking all fats and carbs?

If yes, then you are inviting health trouble. Body needs certain amount of fats and carbohydrates for energy and healthy organ functions. It is a myth that you must stop taking carbs to lose weight. People, who lose weight abruptly, also gain it back abruptly.
Consult a good dietician, who will help you chart a weight loss diet that caters to your body type and health. The key is to eat everything in moderation.
7. Do you gorge your food like super hungry?

If yes, you need to change the way you eat. Experts suggest chewing the food 32 times before swallowing. Before that, please take smaller portions. Can’t do this? Take a smaller plate!
Most people keep long gaps between meals. Then they are so famished that they eat double the amount of food than usual. This can play spoilsport for your weight loss program.
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