Top 10 New Year Resolutions That You Must Follow In 2021

2020 is fading away. Phew! What a year it was. The present generation had not experienced anything remotely as frustrating and stressful as the incidents of this quirky year. 2020 touched everyone’s lives in a manner that no one would ever want to experience again. The virus has turned everyone’s lives upside down and topsy-turvy and forced people into situations they never ever imagined they would face.

As 2020 draws to a close, and, with enough signs visible of a vaccination finally being available to fight the coronavirus, we can look ahead to 2021 with renewed hope.

Regardless of what the New Year holds for us, the turn of the year is synonymous with resolutions. With uncertainty in the air for the coming year, which promises to be unique in many ways, the resolution for 2021 also has to be out-of-the-box in many ways.

Here is a list of the top 10 New Year resolution ideas for 2021

1. Plan a Mini Adventure

COVID brought life to a complete standstill in 2020. With travel lines opening up a bit and expected to ease further in 2021, the time is right to catch up with the traveling you missed last year. Don’t plan big because some travel restrictions are still in place and your plans may fall flat even before they take off. A mini-adventure to a nearby destination can be the perfect choice. You can even try a trekking trip or a camping outing to give the adventure a unique touch.

A mini-adventure is a great way to shake up the routine and sedate life that was the norm in 2020.

2. Resolve To Spend a Few Hours In Cleaning Every Week

The pandemic has instilled in all of us an urge to keep our surroundings clean. There is hardly any responsible person out there who does not believe in the benefits of cleanliness. This year too, we should extend the habit of keeping our homes and surroundings clean. All it takes is a couple of hours a week unless you keep procrastinating, which can lead to the small messy corners snowballing into major problems. Resolve to dedicate a few hours of the weekend to cleaning and removing the weekly accumulations of dirt, scrap, and unwanted things from your home and ensuring a spick-and-span look.

3. Manage Your Time on Social Media Better

The sense of community and support that one experiences on one’s favorite social media channels, even if it is purely superficial, is tough to wean away from. Most of us are inseparably attached to our digital devices and social accounts. In 2020, the connection was even more intense with all other mediums of real communication cut off by social distancing and lockdown norms. In 2021, you must resolve to limit your time on social media and focus on spending your time on more meaningful activities.

How to do it?

  • Turn off alerts when not needed. The feeds on your timeline won’t go away. Access them at leisure.
  • Move social icons to a folder to reduce the temptation of clicking on them frequently.
  • Set a schedule for accessing your account and stick to it.

4. Take Out Time to Learn More

Learning and gaining knowledge is an eternal process. You can do it every day, any way you like. Have you stopped expanding your knowledge base? 2021 is a good time to catch up with your reading and learn about things you want to know more about.

Make a simple start, like adding one word a day to your vocabulary, or subscribing to a new magazine or publication. Age has nothing to do with gaining knowledge. Resolve to make a smart start in 2021.

5. Start Exercising And Don’t Give Up

Are you among those who think there is time for everything else in life but exercise? Or do you feel that since you are fit and slim, you do not need any exercise? You need to change that line of thinking.

There is more to exercise than just weight loss. It is a fitness process that can enhance your physical as well as mental wellbeing. All you need to do is take 30 minutes out of your daily time and have a brisk workout. It can be something as simple as jogging, fast-walking, or stretching.

The best way to get started and keep going is by joining a group. You can not only learn how to stay fit, but you will also be able to keep your motivation level high.

6. Learn To Say No to Things You Don’t Like

This is a tough task for a New Year resolution, but it can be very invigorating if you can pull it off. It’s not easy to say no to some things in life, mostly because of the circumstances we find ourselves in. Many of us find ourselves in tough and stressful situations because we say yes when we should have said no.

In 2021, learn to say no when you don’t agree with something or don’t want to do something you disagree with. It may be tough to say no in the beginning, but it will definitely set you free from unwanted stress in the New Year.

7. Own Up to Your Mistakes

This too can be a tough resolution, especially for those who believe they can do no wrong. A principled soul always owns up to mistakes and takes responsibility for outcomes that are not favorable. If you’ve earned a reputation for pushing the blame for your mistakes onto others, now is the time to do some course-correction. In 2021, be brave enough to own up. It can make others respect you and appreciate your honesty.

8. Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Actually Need

This is something that could be on the New Year resolutions list of many youngsters. If you have started earning recently and your paycheck is pretty decent, the urge to spend is high – resulting in impulsive buying. There are a few problems associated with impulsive buying. Not only will it result in clutter, but if it becomes a habit, you may face a financial crunch as well.

Before you pick up anything from the store or click on the buy option, ask yourself – Do I really need this? This simple exercise will help you follow this New Year’s resolution for life.

9. No Junk, No Processed Food!

This resolution is not just for 2021. This is for life. With age, your body system slows down. It will affect the process of digestion and make it difficult to digest junk stuff. Add fresh food, including fruits, vegetables, and meat, and fish to your plate. Avoid frozen food items and do not eat things stored in the freezer for long.

10. Make More Time for Family and Friends

Life is getting busier and more stressful for everyone, and the pandemic has only worsened the situation. In such taxing times, the only people who can cheer you up and make your life meaningful are your friends and family members. Sadly, they are also among the most neglected. In 2021, resolve to spend more time with them and live their lives too. The value of true friends and the support of family members are invaluable, and there is no substitute for the emotions you feel while you are with them. Make sure you don’t take it for granted.

There! We have a nice list of the top 10 New Year resolutions for 2021. Have you set a few goals for yourself too? What are your resolutions? Share your ideas and be prepared to usher in a brand New Year that will be vastly different from the one we are just saying goodbye to.