Updated on: July 29, 2021

10 Most Scandalous Food Recalls of America

Food recalls are no fun. They pose a risk of health and safety of end consumers. They can even prove fatal to the consumers. They can strip the food manufacturers billions of dollars. They can destroy successful businesses in a nick of time.

There have been numerous recalls in the past. Here is a glimpse of the 10 most scandalous food recalls in the history of America. They not only wobbled the trust of consumers on the brand, but also destroyed the brand like never.

In a couple of recall cases, the company knew their products were contaminated; yet they were selling!

1. Beef Recall of 2008

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Company: Hallmark/Westland

The biggest food recall in American history so far, it created quite a scandal. The Humane Society of the United States discovered this, to their utter shock, and released a video of the company employees in California mistreating ill cows. The company had to pull back 143 million pounds of beef from the market.

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