5 Amazing Ways To Stave Off Heart Disease

Heart disease, including cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and abnormal heart rhythms, represent the largest killer of humans on earth today. The tragedy is that many of these diseases are often entirely preventable, and that there are a host of preventative strategies with which to do so. Here are 5 amazing ways to prevent heart […]

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9 Tricks For Falling Asleep And Staying Asleep

Sleep is a vitally important habit characteristic of every animal on earth. Unfortunately for so many of us, we’ve cocooned ourselves in a digital pupa of lights, noise, and 24 hour instantaneous communication. Getting your full 8-9 hours can be difficult in such a world, but there are some favors you can do for yourself […]

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10 Cooking Herbs And Spices And Their Health Benefits

Cooking herbs and spices are a great way to add flavor and aroma to your dishes without adding fat, calories, or sugar. It’s also an easy way to make healthy dishes taste super delicious! But do you know that they can also provide health benefits? Here’s a list of the top 10 cooking herbs and […]

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8 Foods For The Perfect Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy metal poisoning is a serious health complication that is very present in the developing world or inner-city dwellers not taking precautions to filter their tap water. You can be inundated by substances like mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic from all kinds of other sources such as discharging a firearm, or eating vegetables that have […]

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10 Surprising Foods Diabetics Should Avoid, Says New Study

Diabetes is a serious health condition that you should not take lightly. If you are living with diabetes, your diet is one of the most important factors to keep in check. Here are 10 foods you must absolutely avoid if you want to control diabetes and live a healthier life, compiled from advice given by […]

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These 11 Healthy Snacks Can Cut Your Diabetes Risk By 60%

There are many different types of snacks that can lower your diabetes risk. In addition to a healthy diet, one way to lower your risk is by choosing the right snacks. Eating the wrong type of foods can lead to obesity and increase your risk of developing diabetes. It’s important to keep in mind that […]

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9 Highly-Effective Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Obesity

Metabolic disorders like obesity, and diabetes, don’t exist in nature. It’s only been through the introduction of modern eating and lifestyle patterns that we have the frightening obesity statistics seen across the world today. All kinds of scientific fields are putting together a picture of what humans can do to lead a strong, happy, and […]

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6 Dietary Strategies To Help With Tinnitus

Over 50 million Americans have experienced one or more symptoms of a condition called tinnitus, which manifests as the hearing of sound without a source. These sounds can range from a low roar to a tinny squeal, but are often reported as a high-pitched ring. Tinnitus is generally separated into two forms, persistent tinnitus and […]

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5 Supplements To Help Control Your Blood Sugar

Can we control blood sugar through supplements? Tall claim? We all know diet, exercise, and regular checks can ensure better management of diabetes. There are reports about supplements and micronutrients helping people with diabetes in controlling their blood sugar. So, what is the fact?  Let’s deep dive and find out if supplements can really help […]

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7 Health Myths And Misconceptions

Interpreting scientific literature for a population that doesn’t understand what p values are has led to some pretty significant miscommunications. On the other hand, the occasional bad actor is to blame for leading the public health zeitgeist astray. Here are 7 examples of failures to communicate. 1. Red Meat Causes Cancer It doesn’t. The phrase: […]

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