Do These Immediately if You Have Stubborn Belly Fat

5. Functional Strength Exercises

Many gyms have big truck tires which you can flip over and over and over again. Try not to labor through it, but take a deep breath, and explode through the motion; this will utilize fast-twitch, glycogen-dependent muscle fibers. Kettlebell swings are similar, and steel mace routines are also great for building functional strength while depleting your glycogen stores. If you can, find a gym that has sledgehammers or steel maces, swing them onto the tires like you’re chopping wood with an axe – it’ll carve you up good. Just remember to replenish your glycogen stores after a workout with slow-acting, dense carbs like broccoli, seeds, and nuts. After explosive workouts, your body will likely crave simple carbs like bread and cereal, but that would defeat the whole purpose of the exercise. 

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