Updated on: May 26, 2021

What Happens if You Eat Ginger Every Day May Surprise You

Ginger is a rhizome used widely as a spice and harbors medicinal properties. Ginger has a strong taste. Some of you may not like to eat it raw as it is. But, include it in foods or your morning tea and watch the health benefits. You can also have ginger water.

Here are top reasons to have ginger daily.

1. Relief in morning sickness and nausea

Whether you have morning sickness due to pregnancy or motion sickness, or nausea due to chemotherapy, ginger is great for you. It contains 6-gingerol, which renders the rhizome its unique taste and provides relief from nausea. Just a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger does the trick.

2. Eases menstrual cramps

As per doctors’ recommendation, have some ginger a couple of days before your period starts and have it daily till the third day of your period. Ginger thwarts synthesis of prostaglandins. These are compounds that trigger inflammation as a response to some problem in the body. They also trigger uterine contractions, causing menstrual pain. And because of this anti-inflammatory property, ginger provides relief in joint pains too.

3. Soothes sore throat and cold

A cup of herbal ginger tea can do wonders during a nasty cold. Or you could try the classic Indian ginger tea. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antitussive (ability to suppress cough) properties. Chew some raw ginger or have 2-3 cups of hot ginger tea daily.

4. Relief in migraines

Studies have found that ginger offers relief from throbbing headaches, which are typical of migraines. Take 500mg of ginger at the onset of migraine. Repeat every four hours. According to doctors, do not take more than 2 gm of ginger per day.

5. Relief in indigestion

Dyspepsia or indigestion can cause discomfort and pain. Take some ginger water or raw ginger (about a gram) before having your meal for good bowel movement.

Please note: Pregnant ladies should not take more than 2 g of ginger per day. People on blood-thinning medications should not take more than 4 g ginger per day.

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