Updated on: August 10, 2021

New Belly Fat Melting ‘Foods’ Stuns Doctors (Eat These Daily)

Belly fat is a dangerous thing to own. Also called visceral fat, it puts you at high risk of fatty liver, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It makes you appear unattractive too. So, it’s high time you did something about this fat.

Talk of reducing belly fat and crash diets pop up in mind. Wrong decision. Smarter way to kick belly fat is to make healthier choice of foods and to exercise regularly.

Nature has provided us with certain foods that help to decrease fat around abdomen. Know about them and make your platter healthier and yummier.

Here are 7 examples of foods, which are found to be enemies of belly fat. Make them your friends.

1. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are low-calorie food. It refreshes and hydrates the body. About 100 grams of this food contains just 45 calories and around 96 per cent water. They are rich in vitamins B and C, minerals, and dietary fibers.

Eat salad of cucumber daily to flush out toxins that are released by your digestive system and to lose weight. Daily intake of cucumber also gives glowing skin.

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