7 Workout Mistakes That People Tend To Make At The Gym

If you are working hard at the gym, yet not getting desired results, chances are you might be doing something wrong. Here are some common mistakes that exercisers make. These mistakes are simply waste of time and bear no fruit. So, it’s better to avoid them and concentrate on fruitful actions.

1. Doing the elliptical

A waste of time… and boring. Like it or not, but the truth is: elliptical does not utilize body’s natural movements to work it out. So, it turns out to be ineffective. According to experts, workouts like bending, running, and jumping utilize body’s natural movements. They prove to be more effective in strengthening and toning muscles.

It is found that people who do 20-minute cross training like jumping rope, burpees, and squats are more likely to get desired results that those who slog off on the elliptical for 45 minutes. So, if you want some low impact exercise, try something more interesting and effective.

2. Doing excessive cardio and hardly any strength training

It is believed that cardio burns more calories. Yes, but not so fast. It takes time. You think you have done a lot after a 60-minute run on the treadmill. Yet, it’s not true. Your heart rate increases, sure, but what about building some lean muscle to burn fat faster?

According to experts, a short cross training or strength training session will do more than simple treadmill session. The former will increase your heart rate, burn calories, and help you build lean muscle mass.

When you build muscle your body utilizes more fat for energy in this process even when you are resting. So, isn’t this one more beneficial?

3. Repeating the same exercise daily

Doing the same thing over a long period habituates your body and it becomes too comfortable. The same exercise daily also becomes monotonous. Say, squats might have been a challenge for you in the beginning. Soon, your muscles become habitual of the movements. Then, your body uses just half the energy to do the exercise. You also start losing motivation.

So, it’s smart to mix up exercises. Change your exercises daily or every alternate day. This tricks your body to work harder each time. Each session appears new. This burns more calories. Mix up sessions keep the interest element alive and add excitement to the workout sessions.

4. Exercising for long periods at moderate pace

The adage, “slow and steady wins the race” does not apply at the gym. Okay, you might want to go slow in the beginning; but don’t stay a beginner for too long. A week of beginner’s training is enough. After that, make the most of your time at the gym.

For instance, rather than sweating it out at the gym for one hour at a moderate intensity, gear up and do 30 minutes of non-stop, intense workout. You may take a break of 15-30 seconds in between; but shift to another workout at once. Give your 100 per cent in these 30 minutes with complete focus, instead of giving 50 per cent for one whole hour. High intensity workouts are said to transform your body into fat-burning machine.

5. Gulping down sports drinks

Sports drinks are high in sugar and calories, no matter what the commercials say. The models who are roped up to endorse these products actually drink water during their real sessions!

Stick to plain water for hydration during workout sessions, advise experts. In case you feel tired while exercising, eat a banana or a handful of nuts 30-40 minutes before starting your workout session. You could also eat a toast with a spread of peanut butter or almond butter. This gives your body energy. Take sips of water in between the session and also before and after.

Once you complete your workout session, especially if it is in the morning, make sure to eat a hearty and healthy breakfast within 30-45 minutes of completion. Your muscles become like sponge and are ready to absorb nutrients at this time. Moreover, your body has used up its fuel during workout and needs energy. If you don’t eat soon, your body would start consuming energy from your muscle reserves. This may lead to malnutrition and you may not be able to build muscle mass.

Exercise alone is not enough. You need to watch your diet while exercising. Otherwise, you would lose weight and become unhealthily thin, instead of looking slim and attractive. You want to shed pounds, not shed your health, right? Experienced gym trainers can help you chart out a diet plan according to your workout session.

6. When in the gym do what you have come to do

There are always some people at the gym who simply come to pass time. They may check themselves hundred times in the mirror, or chat with others, or check their mobiles every 10 minutes. Some are too busy clicking selfies to actually exercise.

Please do not be one of them. Also, do not be distracted by such people. If they want to start a chat session, politely refuse and concentrate on your workouts. Gym is the place to work out muscles, except the tongue muscle!

Come to the gym with a mind that is determined to exercise and utilize your precious time working out. Be serious. Get in, work out, get out. That’s it.

7. Exercising in isolation

We are social animals. We want people around us. There is a difference between chatting uselessly and making friends to exercise in a group. The latter offers a competitive environment. You encourage each other and you also want to do better than another. This keeps your motivation alive and kicking. You are eager to go to the gym every morning. This makes you regular in workouts. Make sure you associate yourselves with positive people.

It is time to correct the above mistakes and start with a new note at the gym. In case you are not a gym person and like to exercise at home, you are still prone to making the above mistakes. Avoid them. Get results.