Top 10 New Year Resolutions That You Must Follow In 2021

2020 is fading away. Phew! What a year it was. The present generation had not experienced anything remotely as frustrating and stressful as the incidents of this quirky year. 2020 touched everyone’s lives in a manner that no one would ever want to experience again. The virus has turned everyone’s lives upside down and topsy-turvy […]

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5 Fat-Loss Mistakes You May Be Making Daily

Losing fat is easy. All you have to do is eject processed food from your plate, stay away from drinks, and follow a strict exercise regimen. Easy? We would not have had folks with weight issues if doing all these were all that easy. And if you think you can lose weight by consuming the […]

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7 Surprising And Crucial Benefits Of Sleep

Circadian biology is a term for the study of the body’s functional relationship to the 24 hour cycle of day and night. Diet, exercise, and sleep make up the Holy Trinity of Functional and Preventative Medicine so to speak. Diet and exercise are very well researched at this point, but the importance of sleep and […]

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Over 40? Start Eating These Things Immediately, Say Experts

If you are just starting out on a diet plan, you’re probably aware that a salad is going to make its way onto your kitchen table one way or another. The American relationship with the salad was one entirely devoid of romance for some time. They were boring, bland, and tasteless unless drowned in an […]

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Do These Immediately if You Have Stubborn Belly Fat

You’ve been watching what you eat, but there’s still that annoying fat on your stomach. It won’t go away no matter how much you exercise. What are you doing wrong? Losing abdominal fat is not an easy task to accomplish. However, there are many exercises that can make the process easier and more effective. These […]

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5 Amazing Ways To Stave Off Heart Disease

Heart disease, including cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and abnormal heart rhythms, represent the largest killer of humans on earth today. The tragedy is that many of these diseases are often entirely preventable, and that there are a host of preventative strategies with which to do so. Here are 5 amazing ways to prevent heart […]

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9 Tricks For Falling Asleep And Staying Asleep

Sleep is a vitally important habit characteristic of every animal on earth. Unfortunately for so many of us, we’ve cocooned ourselves in a digital pupa of lights, noise, and 24 hour instantaneous communication. Getting your full 8-9 hours can be difficult in such a world, but there are some favors you can do for yourself […]

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10 Cooking Herbs And Spices And Their Health Benefits

Cooking herbs and spices are a great way to add flavor and aroma to your dishes without adding fat, calories, or sugar. It’s also an easy way to make healthy dishes taste super delicious! But do you know that they can also provide health benefits? Here’s a list of the top 10 cooking herbs and […]

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8 Foods For The Perfect Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy metal poisoning is a serious health complication that is very present in the developing world or inner-city dwellers not taking precautions to filter their tap water. You can be inundated by substances like mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic from all kinds of other sources such as discharging a firearm, or eating vegetables that have […]

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