7 Best Places to Zip-Line in the World
Zip lining offers one of the biggest thrills and is amongst the most pursued adventures by those who love outdoor adventures. Zip lining evolved as
15 Powerful Anti-Aging Nutrients That Keep You Younger & Fitter
4. Collagen Collagen is one of the essential skin proteins. It is also found naturally
To Eat Or Not To Eat Before Workout In The Morning…
Who can work out on an empty stomach? People with normal cortisol levels and those
9 Highly-Effective Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Obesity
4. Rewire Your Brain To Crave Healthy Food If you resist cravings long enough, they
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To Eat Or Not To Eat Before Workout In The Morning…
Everybody talks about working out; but nobody talks of eating! Now you are in a fix: whether to eat or

Shape Up In 8 Days For Your Best Friend’s Wedding
Is your best friend’s wedding just round the corner? Worry not. You can still fit in that lovely bridesmaid gown

Weird Beauty Products Used By Lady Gaga, Miranda Kerr, And More Top Celebrities
4. Catherine Zeta-Jone’s Beer Conditioner Embed from Getty Images After shampooing her hair, Catherine Zeta-Jones uses beer as a conditioner.

9 Best Movie and TV Locations to Visit
4. Hanapepe Valley, Kauai, Hawaii (Jurassic Park) The island of Kauai is the place where a major portion of the

7 Best Places to Zip-Line in the World
Zip lining offers one of the biggest thrills and is amongst the most pursued adventures by those who love outdoor

13 Ways to Make Your Makeup Last All Day Long – Straight from Makeup Artists
“How do I make my makeup last longer?” Almost every woman asks this question. Each lady has her own tricks

9 Surprisingly Worst Foods For Runners
Running is a demanding form of exercise. To stick to it is a challenge. It is important that a runner

Don’t Let Working From Home Turn Your Type 2 Diabetes Into A Health Alarm
Working from home can easily blur the line between your personal and professional lives. And if you are a type 2 diabetic, it can take

Do You Indulge in These 5 Habits? You May Become a Diabetic Soon
4. Sitting for Prolonged Periods It’s common knowledge that regular exercise can help keep diabetes away. Even simple exercises such as swimming and brisk walking

7 Workout Mistakes That People Tend To Make At The Gym
If you are working hard at the gym, yet not getting desired results, chances are you might be doing something wrong. Here are some common

These Strange 11 Foods Can Kill Belly Fat In Just Weeks!
4. Legumes and Beans Kidney beans, lentils, black beans, and others are found to work great for weight loss. They are high in fiber and

Hate Exercise? Just Do These 4 And You’re Done
It is best to exercise 5-6 times a week. However, if you can manage just 4 days or every alternate day, fine; but not exercising

To Eat Or Not To Eat Before Workout In The Morning…
Everybody talks about working out; but nobody talks of eating! Now you are in a fix: whether to eat or not to eat before exercising.

Shape Up In 8 Days For Your Best Friend’s Wedding
Is your best friend’s wedding just round the corner? Worry not. You can still fit in that lovely bridesmaid gown you fell in love with
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