The Anti-Aging Secrets Of 8 Movie Stars

Ever wonder how fabulous looking movie stars stay looking fabulous, year-after-year? The answers may surprise you! Let’s take a look.

1. Jennifer Aniston

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She’s been called America’s Sweetheart and for good reason. Somehow, someway, Jennifer always manages to look fresh, radiant and young. How does she do it? “There are so many things that women can do today with technology in terms of LED light therapy, good lasers that tighten the muscles, and massages for your face—and don’t forget great creams,” she says, also adding, “drinking a lot of water, using really nice, good products for your face. Don’t over-product, that’s the other thing. Getting proper sleep is always important.”

2. Jennifer Lopez

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At age 51, Jennifer Lopez looks like she could be in her 20s. Along with a healthy diet, J LO credits daily exercise for keeping her fit and toned. As for her skin, she also follows a regimen of using anti-aging creams, and always washes off her makeup before going to bed. Whatever she’s doing, it sure is working!


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This Somalian, super-star, starts off each morning with a vanilla protein shake with strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, then off to her workout. IMAN says she mixes up her routine between yoga, cardio, and then some weights. She also uses a variety of creams and lotions to rejuvenate her skin, keeping it fresh and glowing.

4. Halle Berry

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Halle looks every bit as young and lithe as she did when she played Catwoman, and follows a daily routine of cardio, light weights and exercise to keep fit. She never eats sugar, calling it “poison”! As for skin, she keeps it simple and just cleanses, tones, and uses a good moisturizing lotion.

5. Angelina Jolie

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No way Angelina looks 40! How does she keep her skin looking super youthful? She uses a cream that is contains fish eggs, among other nutrients. Her diet is based on eating ancient grains, and for keeping he body toned, she does kickboxing and cardio exercise with a trainer. Whatever she’s doing, it sure is working!

6. Julianne Moore

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Whether she’s playing Clarise Starling or Telly Paretta, this Academy Award winning actress always looks super toned and natural. She works with a trainer, and as she says, “does light weights and a lot of hopping around.” Julianne also said because she’s light complexioned, she’s been using SPF daily since she was 23, adding that, “I’d like to think I can age as naturally as possible.” She sure is doing that!

7. Cindy Crawford

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When it comes to sparking beauty, the Uptown Girl, has it in spades. And while it’s been over 30 years since she’s been a runway model, she looks every bit as good today, as she did  back then. When asked how she keeps her youthful aura she replied, “Do all the stuff we know: Don’t smoke, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, Find out what makes you happy.” Her advice? “When a 35-year old starts taking care of her skin, she won’t look different. It’s when you’re my age that you start seeing the payoff.”

8. Gwyneth Paltrow

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Always fresh faced and lithe, Gwyneth credits exfoliation, coconut oil, and drinking plenty of water for her smooth complexion. She’s a proponent of “eating clean,” which includes whole foods and taking supplements. As for Botox? She tried it once and said it made her look “crazy”. How does she keep toned? She and avid exerciser and works out an hour a day, six days a week.