Who must eat before workout?

In case you are not into yoga in the morning and are into strength training and muscle building exercises, then you must eat before workout, say experts.
Reason: Your body needs fuel after a full night’s fasting. Otherwise, you won’t be able to perform exercises well.
Make sure you eat a nutritious breakfast made up of carbohydrates, proteins, and unsaturated fats. Eat 30 minutes before your workout session. Do not take a heavy breakfast. Eat light, but nutritious.
If you are not that hungry, you may have a smoothie, a handful of nuts, or a toast, or a fruit or two. The idea is to give your body some fuel to convert it into energy. This will help you perform optimally. Properly “fueled-up” body also encourages muscle growth.
Those into strength training must have the strength to exercise. Otherwise, your body may break into its reserves of fat, which may lead to break down of muscles instead of building them.