Updated on: March 23, 2022

To Eat Or Not To Eat Before Workout In The Morning…

What if you are on a weight loss exercise program?

Exercising on an empty stomach is popular among those who exercise to lose fat. Those on cardio workouts also believe in being on an empty stomach during workout. The logic is: when you work out in a fasting state your body attacks its fat stores to derive energy. This helps you burn fat.

There is no scientific evidence to support this logic however. Yet, this does not mean that you gorge on food first thing in the morning and then exercise; but take something. Do not be on an absolutely empty stomach. Eat a banana or a cup of smoothie or peanut butter sandwich.

Experts are of the view that people with naturally high cortisol hormone level must not work out on an empty stomach. Such people have a tendency to store extra fat around their midsection. Exercising on an empty stomach can raise their cortisol levels. This, in turn, complicates their weight loss program.

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