Updated on: September 30, 2021

10 Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

3. Your body may not be getting enough protein

According to doctors, protein is an essential nutrient for weight loss. A research shows that eating protein up to 30 per cent of calories increases metabolism by a whopping 80-100 calories per day. Protein makes you feel fuller for longer periods. So, your appetite naturally drops by several hundred calories per day. You also experience fewer hunger pangs between meals.

Protein has an effect on hormones like ghrelin and others that regulate appetite. Experts advise to eat a protein-rich breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day. Such breakfast keeps you satiated for longer and cravings stay miles away from you. Moreover, you get enough energy to kickstart your day on an enthusiastic note.

Studies also show that high protein diet prevents regain of weight. It also prevents slowdown of metabolism that often happens when people lose weight.

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