Say Goodbye To Your Sugar Cravings With These 12 Smart Alternatives

10. Cinnamon

Believe it or not, this sweet spice can thwart the strongest of sugar cravings! It beautifully tricks your brain into believing you just had sugar.

Do you know cinnamon is labeled by dieticians as one of the healthiest and the tastiest spices in the world?

Research says that cinnamon can help alleviate sugar cravings by regulating blood sugar levels. This reduces insulin spikes that happen after meal and are responsible for the cravings.

Add a pinch of ground cinnamon to your morning coffee or tea and say goodbye to sugar cravings.

Bonus: Cinnamon has the property to lower blood sugar, so is great for diabetics. Besides, it is anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and is an antioxidant. It has prebiotic properties and is good for heart.

Phew! And you were missing out on all these benefits and craving for zero-nutrition, white sugar!