Heavy metal poisoning is a serious health complication that is very present in the developing world or inner-city dwellers not taking precautions to filter their tap water. You can be inundated by substances like mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic from all kinds of other sources such as discharging a firearm, or eating vegetables that have been washed with dirty water. One kind of heavy meatal treatment is called Chelation Therapy, but should only be administered by an expert as it poses some significant side effects. However there are some foods which have been shown to decrease heavy metal presence in the body with a detox effect. Here are 8 foods for a little heavy metal detox.
1. Spirulina

You can maybe find spirulina, a type of seaweed, at a local Asian market, but you’re more likely to have success ordering it in supplement form. Many farmers or aquaculturalists use spirulina to soak up heavy metals present in water sources or soil.
2. Chlorella

Another seaweed species, chlorella offers much the same as spirulina.
3. Garlic

Used as a flavoring agent world-wide, garlic is a good antioxidant and defense against heavy metal poisoning.
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4. Ginger

Also available in most grocery stores and world markets, ginger is a great detoxification product and perfect for adding an Asian zing to a dish!
5. Tomatoes

The secret to the success of tomatoes as a detoxification agent is the link between them and the uptake of heavy metal ions into phytoproteins. Once loaded up, they can be ejected through the urine stream.
6. Grapes

Grapes are another commonly available and useful defense against both oxidative-stress and heavy metal poisoning.
7. Turmeric

While perhaps not acting as a very strong detox agent, turmeric can help to heal some of the damage caused by heavy metal exposure. It is a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
8. Curry Powder

A trip to the Asian market would allow you to cross several items off this list! Curry powder is commonplace in east and south Asian cooking while bringing a lot of the same benefits as turmeric.