Metabolic disorders like obesity, and diabetes, don’t exist in nature. It’s only been through the introduction of modern eating and lifestyle patterns that we have the frightening obesity statistics seen across the world today. All kinds of scientific fields are putting together a picture of what humans can do to lead a strong, happy, and healthy lifestyle, and often it involves trying to replicate the behavior of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Here are 9 Paleolithic habits that can help you lose weight, and keep it off.
1. Get Up Early

Naturally occurring sleep patterns are better for your health. If you go camping, and try to sleep in until noon, you’ll fail. As insolated as we are in our modern lives, the moment we step back into the natural world, our brains are fully capable of shifting back into hunter-gatherer mode. Hundreds of genes involved in metabolism are directly affected by the rising and falling of the sun. However biology aside, waking up with the sun allows for your first meal to come earlier. Lunch comes earlier than normal, followed by an earlier than normal dinner, simply because you started eating at 6:30 rather than 8. This is important because…